Monday, January 21, 2013

What To Do About The Yeast Infection

Things to know

Some of us go panic about what to do when signs of disease shows. Most women encounter such condition if not once, several times in their lives. This lens will try its best to explain and give a brief idea about the disease process and how to handle it correctly. I'd be totally honest with you, it's easier than you think but it requires a bit of work on your end.

The Cause

The disease is actually quite common. According to one study, almost all people carry the causative factor called Candida Albicans in our body. However, they remain as non-harmful fungus until they have the opportunity to grow excessively. This is when the situation becomes likely such as change of environment where they live (basically our body). This occurs to immune deficient people, poor hygiene, diabetes mellitus, use of risky products (usually feminine hygiene products), and so on. As you can see you just don't blame anyone you live with or you hangout with for giving you the disease. You can be infeected not just from direct contact or sharing shoes or underwear from others.

What we call this type of fungus is "opportunistic microorganism". This means that they just stay there harmless in the body until they have the chance to grow excessively when the chance arrives. Although this condition is common, many people do not really know how to deal it. This blog and many more blogs that I plan to make will talk more about this topic, how to deal it, along with many more relevant info.

This is quite a broad topic although not much people in the net are talking about it. That's why I'll keep adding more content regularly so make sure you bookmark or follow this lens and check back often.

Top ten things to do

This is my "tip number 1" that I'd willingly share to you folks. Enjoy!
Once you seemingly have the signs and symptoms once again the first thing to do is not panic, even if you have the whitish discharge or the extremely annoying itch. The top ten things to do may be done in order or whichever you prefer depending on the needs. As a med school grad, I see these steps or things to do as the best ones to handle the situation. Here it is.

1. Wash the area with regular soap and pat dry
2. Wear light or loose clothing, specifically clothes to avoid friction to the area
3. The best thing is to call your doctor or better, pay him a visit and inform him/her about the situation
4. IMPORTANT: get a proper diagnosis (this should be done with the right lab tests)
5. Take the prescribe medications or regimen (ask for alternative medications or treatments if there are any)
6. Practice good hygiene when on the treatment process. Change clean dry clothes, avoid use douches, tampons and other scented feminine hygiene sprays. Don't share towels,or apparels for now.
7. Eat properly. Diet helps in your recovery. Make sure you decrease intake of flour products or carbohydrates (beer). Focus on green leafy vegetables, lean meat.
8. Drink lots of water and if possible add anti-oxidant drinks such as green tea and natural fruit juices.
9. Avoid warm or damp environments
10. Take only natural home remedies that can aid treatment however, make sure you ask your doctor before doing so. Just for best practice.

Those are the things to do. Make sure you act accordingly to avoid further complications.

Also, you may want to learn more about how to prevent yeast infections to say goodbye to the itch forever.

Hope you like this post and just leave some comments below for any more suggestions, violent reactions, or if you just want to say anything to me. I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Having yeast infection can give you uncomfortable feeling and a book called "Yeast Infection No More" is good to read.
    Yeast Infection No More Review
